My chosen methodology is the: Agile methodology

I have selected the Agile methodology as I think it arguably the best methodology and has common practice within the industry. Additionally, I felt it was most appropriate for my project, because it allows me to rapidly develop each aspect of development and then go through persistent evaluation. Evaluation is key-in order to maintain a consistent high level of functional work. As development will include lots of organising - keeping every version documented thoroughly will be very important. Doing so allows me to go back and make changes/fixes where necessary, as well as keep an organised and easily accessible development log. The benefit of using the agile methodology is that it encourages a looping process, rather than one which simply goes through a chronological order without any options to go back onto previous sub-stages of development (waterfall).

The structure of our project will consist of 5 main stages:


  1. Plan
    1. Going through all the requirements and organising time accordingly for the development of each aspect of the game.
  2. Design
    1. Coming up with solutions for each aspect of the game.
  3. Development & Testing
    1. Implementing each aspect into the game and testing thoroughly.
  4. Release
    1. Updating the game version.
  5. Feedback
    1. Allowing possible external play testing and evaluating/reflecting on updates.

*Methodology Breakdown

  1. Requirements:

This phase will break down and combine all the necessities for each aspect of the game. This includes:

Each of these will have their own list of requirements in order to achieve the overall project aims. There is overlap between some of the sub-categories (e.g. Unity and functional mechanics). During the initial weeks of semester two, I will be able to break down each part, listing the requirements, and then fit my schedule around that. Currently, due to successful prototyping, the “functional mechanics” part may take less time than would have been the case - if I did not prototype within Unity. This allows me to then spend more time on designing other aspects of the game.

  1. Planning Time