My aim for this project is to develop an experience in which the user learns about the negative effects of nuclear stations failing, whilst engaging in intense puzzle parkour levels that attempt to be as realistic as possible. The aim is for the game to be educational, however not in a conventional way of feeding the user lots of information, but through exploration and reflection on what is being shown through the environment around the player. I want to show that Nuclear power is a big risk and if it were to go wrong - as it has previously, it can result in devastation. Hopefully my game will make the player think about what other power generation strategies we could use alternatively to nuclear, as well as get a better understanding of why the risks are so great (through the negative effects on the environment in the game).
Personally, I want to create a project that is fun, engaging and with purpose. The purpose is to make people more conscious about the environment and current developments of implementation of new nuclear stations. As well as force the player’s survival instincts to kick in and adapt to their surroundings. Additionally, I want to create a project that allows me to show and develop my skills for the gaming industry. This will allow me to enhance my portfolio by demonstrating my abilities and the impact I wish to have while working in the gaming industry.
Link to Project Goals: wix…
Final deliverable should:
Furthermore, I plan to: